Saturday, May 7, 2016

#WorstFirstDates Two, The 3 C's

#2 - The 3 C's, Clingy, Crazy, Cheap

Sticking to the theme of having a first date be at the local mall, I had arranged a date with a guy for lunch at the food court. I'm there a bit early so I had time to decide what I wanted to eat, and I waited for my date to arrive. Fifteen minutes later he gets there, and we go up to order. I always offer to pay for my own food, but he insisted he cover it so I let him.

I can't remember exactly what I had, I think it was a poutine or something similar - but it was under $5. His meal was easily double what mine cost, which is important to note for later. Anyways, the date went alright, we had a good conversation and the guy was very nice. We chatted for about an hour and then I said I had to go (I actually did have errands to run, so I did need to leave). I walked him to the bus stop and he leaned in for a kiss, which I rejected simply based on the fact that I didn't feel that comfortable with him quite yet.He seemed a bit dejected, but didn't say anything about it.

So I start walking home, now the walk from the mall to my house is only about 10 minutes. It was lightly raining outside so I kept my phone in my pocket while I walked home. When I got inside, I had over 30 text messages from the guy I had just gone on a date with. All of them along the lines of "That was so much fun." "I miss you already." "When can we hang out again?" "You smelled pretty, what kind of perfume is that?". I was a little creeped out, so I ignored his messages - but they kept on coming.

After about an hour of seemingly non-stop texts, I told him I'd had a good time but I didn't really see our relationship continuing. He threw an absolute fit and claimed I wasted his time, and demanded his money back (yes, his $5 or so that he spent on my lunch). I told him if he wanted it back that badly he could come meet me at the mall and I'd gladly refund him. He didn't have a car, so the bus fare would've been about $2.50 or so. Needless to say, I never heard back from him again.

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