Friday, November 24, 2017

Cyntoia Brown: The Clickbait Case

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Recently I've seen a lot of outrage over the life incarceration of Cyntoia Brown, including tweets from Kim Kardashian and Rihanna. The case has taken on a whole new meaning of clickbait, from uneducated reporters and sensationalists looking to make a quick buck. The story being shared online is untrue and biased. Sadly, not many people care to do their own research and would rather believe the small amount of information being spoon-fed to them by these so called "news articles".

If you want to read the full court report from the government of Tenessee, you can do that here: Cyntoia Brown v. State of Tennessee

Otherwise, here is my quick but thorough write up about the case. I have written my own commentary in brackets. Mind you, there are multiple reports out there and some have redacted information  or otherwise biased their report because Cyntoia was a minor (16 years old) when she was charged with the murder of 45 year old Johnny Allen.

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Cyntoia was walking alone when Johnny Allen approached her, he invited her to join him for a meal at a nearby restaurant. She obliged, and got into his truck. Sometime during the meal he propositioned to pay her in exchange for sex, she negotiated that she would be paid $150 in exchange for sexual favors.

Cyntoia and Johnny returned to Johnny's residence, where they proceeded to watch TV and drink alcohol. Whether or not they ultimately had sex was not proven, Cyntoia claims they did not. [I could find no evidence of a DNA test being done to prove sexual activity].

According to Cyntoia's own testimony, they were both in bed when Cyntoia reached into her purse and retrieved a personal handgun from her purse and shot Mr.Allen in the back of the head.

[This is where the case gets murky.]

Cyntoia's claim was that she shot him in self defense when he reached for a gun. However, the crime scene revealed Mr.Allen was laying on his stomach with his hands under his head "like he was asleep".  He had no defense wounds and there was also no weapon found anywhere near him.

[Now, if she had immediately called the police or removed herself from the situation, chances are her self defense claim would've stuck.]

Cyntoia admits to then proceeding to rifle through Johnny Allen's home, taking his cash, wallet, two of his guns and the keys to his truck. She drove the truck away and dumped it in a nearby WalMart parking lot.

At some point [Cyntoia's testimony and the prosecutor disagree on exactly when] Cyntoia returned to the hotel where she was living with her 24 year old Pimp/Boyfriend, where she was arrested a few days later.

Cyntoia was charged as an adult with First Degree Murder, Premeditated Murder and Aggravated Theft. According to Tennessee law, the suggested sentence options for first degree murder are life (15 - 60 years) without parole, or life with parole after 51 years. Cyntoia was 18 when her verdict was determined, so she is eligible for parole at 69 years old.

[Cyntoia had a lengthily police record with former drugs and weapon charges, which is likely why she was given a longer prison sentence.]

Do I think she deserves to spend her entire life in prison? Absolutely not. But do I think she is an "innocent victim of child sex trafficking" like the clickbait articles lead you to believe ?? Absolutely not.

Cyntoia had a terrible childhood, had inept parents [there has been talk of her potentially having fetal alcohol syndrome] who put her into foster care and was left to fend for herself which led her to a life of drugs, alcohol and prostitution. She was likely preyed upon by her 24 year old boyfriend/pimp, and I have sympathy for her. While in Prison, Cyntoia has lived a sober life. She has obtained her GED and has continued to pursue an education.

Credit: People Magazine

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